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Chewing gum is the 2nd most littered item of waste, after cigarette butts. Chewing gum takes 3 to 6 years to disappear and costs 3 times more to clean than to buy.

Consumers are increasingly looking for products that do not harm their health or the environment.

Creative solutionA 100% compostable chewing gum with an innovative packaging, where you can throw away your gum.

It has 2 compartments : the top one contains the gums & the bottom compartment contains the chewed gums.

In addition, discover “Gummi World”, a sensory experience which retraces the life cycle of our compostable chewing gum in a playful way.

Brand values• Creative & innovative
• Respectful
• Offbeat
• Fresh
• Authentic

Art directionUse of pastel colours for the natural feel of chewing gum mixed with vibrant colours for a more offbeat feel and a younger target.

Target15-25 year olds 

My job
• Creative Strategy
• Art Direction
• Logotype

Collaboration with Jessica Pacht
The packaging - 3 flavours

The packaging - 2 compartments

“Welcome to gummi world”

Room 1 - “EXPOSE ME” (photosynthesis)

Room 2 - “PICK ME”

Room 3 - “CHANGE ME”

Room 4 - “LICK ME”

Room 5 - “THROW ME”

SoMe & Goodie bags


 Pre-launch 1

Pre-launch 2

Contact me ☺︎